For The Family Only! Special Gift From Real Advisors.




Coaching Workshop

May 2 - 4, 2023

Live. Online. Interactive.

(Attend free on us.)

From the desk of Francis Ablola

Co-founder, Real Advisors
A 4X INC Magazine 5000 Fastest Growing Private Company in America.




Coaching Workshop

March 15 - 17, 2023

Live. Online. Interactive.

(Attend better than 100% risk free.)

From the desk of Francis Ablola

Co-founder, Real Advisors
A 4X INC Magazine 5000 Fastest Growing Private Company in America.

Thank you for your interest in our 3-day online

“Influencer Funnel” coaching workshop.

Two things.

First: If you’re a coach, consultant, product creator, service provider, or anyone who needs to build a brand in a marketplace - this can greatly accelerate your business and financial success.

Second: I won’t go into a long drawn out story sales message trying to convince you. I’ll give you the details straight. If it’s right for you, it’s right for you. 

We’ll still be friends no matter what your decision. No sweat.


That said, let’s get straight into the details you need to make the right decision for you.

`My team and I are doing an online event, May 2 - 4, 2023 where we’ll cover how to:

  • Share your message and mission with the masses.

  • Become a recognized and respected person of influence in your industry and market

  • Monetize your experience. (Or the expertise of others.)

My team and I are doing an online event, March 15 - 17, 2023 where we’ll cover how to:

  • Share your message and mission with the masses.

  • Become a recognized and respected person of influence in your industry and market

  • Monetize your experience. (Or the expertise of others.)

Here’s The Agenda of The Influencer Funnel Workshop

(More sessions may be added later.)

“Influencer Funnels”

You’ll see our unique, simple yet highly effective marketing systems you can use even if you don’t know the first thing about setting up landing pages, webinars, or sales pages.

“Copy & Connection”

How to identify your exact target audience who desires your products or services and create messaging and copy that leaves them begging to work with you. (Even if you don’t like writing or being on camera.)

“Building An Image Of Authority”

Capture attention and create influence through content. You’ll learn what kind of content drives the most attention in the marketplace. In fact, you’ll discover how to find the most viral content, and use that as your inspiration to build your own following.

“Your AI Marketing Machine”

Don’t know what kind of content to create? Want to build your marketing plan, but don’t know where to start? You’ll learn how to use Artificial Intelligence to automate 90% of the work and still stand out as a unique and credible expert.

“Social Piggybacking”

An under-the- the radar method to rapidly leverage the social media following of recognized influencers to build your own big following, create loyal fans, and sell through trust.

(This is the method we used to create a network of over 1,000,000 followers, drive millions in sales, and even capture the attention of celebrities and help land a reality TV show on A&E network.)

“Unlimited Traffic On-Demand”

Discover how to use paid ad platforms like Facebook ads, Youtube Ads, and TikTok ads to drive floods of potential customers and clients to your business.

We’ve driven millions of dollars in traffic through paid media, and from that experience we created a simplified way for you to start drawing in the eyeballs of your perfect audience - even if you’re starting with only $5 a day.

“Copy and Paste Automated Follow Up Systems”

You may have heard that the money is in the follow up. And that’s absolutely true. You’ll learn how we use automated emails, SMS and other channels to stay in touch with our audience, build “Know-Like-Trust” in our community, and drive more sales on autopilot.

“All The Techy Things”

To make online marketing work, you need the right systems in place. You’ll see what we use for everything and why we use it. Merchant accounts, shopping carts, CRM, email automation, SMS, sales systems - all of our tech stack. And more importantly, you’ll get the easy button on how to make this all work for you.

“Building & Growing Power Team”

To run a growing business, you can’t do it all on your own. We’ll dive into how we find, recruit, train, and manage a virtual team. You’ll see our process for finding the right people with the right talent overseas. You’ll keep overhead low, and profits high with the right remote workers who are willing to start for as little as $3 per hour.

“The Secrets Of The High Ticket Sale”

Uur team has led teams that have generated nearly $100,000,000 in sales over the phone and in-person. Over the phone and in our Direct Messages, we make sales from $500 to $15,000 or more. 

We don’t use high pressure, unethical sales tactics. Instead, you’ll learn our process for quickly building rapport with a stranger and turning simple conversation into a high- ticket sale.

And that’s just scratching the surface.

In our 3-days together, we’ll peel back the curtain on our business and reveal strategies we’ve used to drive over $10,000,000 in sales for our own coaching business, and tens of millions more for our clients!

These are things we’ve rarely talked about publicly that can make your marketing exponentially more productive and effective.

And we’ve never shared these strategies before. It’s not not because we’re being secretive.

The simple fact is our business is NOT about  “coaches teaching coaches how to sell to a coaching” business.

We created these strategies growing our own business outside of the “internet marketing” space, and worked with dozens of high- profile clients in highly competitive markets.

So we don’t just teach, and didn’t learn how to do what we do from out of a course - we discovered these strategies by taking action and by working with/being mentored by the very best in the industry.

Here’s What’s Just A Small Example Of The Specific Tips and Tricks You’ll Discover In Our 3-Days Together…

  • Using short video 30-second video ads to drive tons of clicks and opt-ins for a super low cost per lead.

  • How to get higher show rates to online webinars and events using a 3 step follow up sequence.

  • Why I’m writing this in a Google Doc rather than a traditional sales page.

  • One thing you can do to make your webinar presentations sell more without changing anything in your webinar.

  • Simple phrase to say in a benefit driven bullet that sells, so you putting your reader in a “curiosity trance” and driving them to buy.

  • How to write quick social media posts that drive people to DM you. (And how to make those posts consume the feeds of your target audience.)

  • What to do in phone sales if someone doesn’t answer on the first try. (This will 3X your sales rate.)

  • The simple software that we use to immediately build rapport with a cold prospect via text message.

  • Why the very best ads we’ve ever used on Instagram were the UGLIEST and simplest to make, yet drove MILLIONS in sales.

  • How we leverage celebrities to endorse our business at mass scale.

  • Why simple sales funnels beat out complicated funnels everytime.

  • The metrics, numbers, and statistics you need to know to make important marketing decisions in your product or coaching business.

This is just barely scratching the surface.

I could go on and on for ages on what you'll learn from each session

But I won’t.

  • It’ll take too long for me to write out everything, because we’ll be dropping gem after gem.

    … and

  • I’m about to make you a ridiculous, completely better than risk free way for you to download all of the information above and way way way more into your head “MATRIX style.”

Now, before I plug you in…

… let me quickly tell you how on Earth we’re qualified to teach you any of this.

My name is Francis Ablola, and together with my business partners Brian Hanson, Richard Dunn, and Dolmar Cross we run Real Advisors.

Real Advisors is a coaching and education company. 

In 2017, we started selling training in the real estate investing space and have grown that company to the…

INC Magazine list of fastest growing private companies in America 4 years consecutively.

The highest on the list was #80.

Being on the INC list was a personal goal of mine, and we accomplished that 4 years in a row.

Who The Heck Are These Guys?

OK - that’s all well and good, but what does that mean for YOU?

We know how to scale companies through marketing and sales.

So let me briefly tell you who you’ll be learning from.

Brian Hanson is like a mad scientist. 

He is all about lead generation. He started in the world of information marketing and coaching in 2000.


Yes, this guy has been around for some time. 

And he worked directly with one of the Pioneers in the industry for nearly a decade. 

(This isn’t some dude who took a course, from a dude who took a course, and is now teaching other dudes how to sell courses.)

Then in 2007, he went on to start and scale one of the largest “Used Auto Engine” resellers on the internet entirely driven through search engine optimization and a sales floor.

Today, he’s focused his attention on social media and is a master at rapidly growing social followings and turning those followers into sales.

Richard dunn is a sales master. 

He’s led high-ticket sales floors for over a decade.

He not only knows exactly what to say, why to say it, the thought process of a prospect, but how to train others on how to close the sale - even if they’ve never considered themselves a sales person.

Richard will share with you how to turn your mindset into a high-ticket sales powerful house, and also how to find the right people for your team to scale your sales.

Dolmar cross is our king maker. 

He’s the host of the new hit reality TV show on A&E, Zombie House Flipping Tampa.

But before that, Dolmar Cross is a visionary when it comes to production and content that will help you become a star and a person of influence. 

You’ll hear how Dolmar landed the show on A&E to drive the credibility and authority to our real estate education company, and how to position yourself as an expert on social media and beyond!

Then there’s me.

francis ablola (Me) 

I’ve been in online marketing since 2001, and have been fortunate to work with—and learn directly from—some of the greats in the areas of self-development, speaking, seminars, copywriting, and online marketing.

I’m a direct product of my environment. The very first seminar I ever promoted was with the legendary Jim Rohn and Les Brown, and it completely changed my life forever.

That was when I was in my early 20s.

This year, I’m turning 40.

And in the years between, I’ve worked behind the scenes of some of the biggest coaching and education companies in the world of coaching and education. 

I’ve written sales copy that has driven tens of millions in sales.

I’ve ran millions of dollars in traffic for clients, and millions for our own business.

And today, I’ve consult with 7-Figure and 8-Figure business owners on how to get the most out of their sales and marketing.

Together, we’re a dream team that helps companies drive revenue and results.

In fact, my team and I are often paid $8,000 for a half day of our time for one-on-one consulting. 

Which takes me to the investment today.

We’re offering a 3-day training for you to copy and paste our proven systems into your business.

The Influencer Funnel Workshop

May 2 - 4, 2023.

It’s Live, Online, And Interactive.

We’ll run at least 4 hours each day.

From 12 PM to 4PM Eastern.

During the workshop, you’ll get:

  • Action focused guidance that you can implement immediately.

  • Interactive attention, Q&As, and coaching.

  • A personal “Accountability Advisors” dedicated to you to helping you over the entire 3-days.

  • All the guides from the workshop.

  • The recordings, available to watch on-demand for 14 days after the event.

That’s 12 hours of pure content, knowledge, training, and personal coaching.

No breaks, no fluff, just focused content for 4 straight days.

That said, the value is easily $24,000.

(After all, that’s what someone would pay for our consulting at $2,000 per hour, if you break it down that way.)

But, of course $24,000, that’s just a fraction of the value of what you’ll receive in our 3 days together.

What you’ll learn has made us millions!

(Oh, and that’s Verifiable - our revenue is listed directly straight on the INC Magazine website and our official IRS TAX records were fact checked by their executive editorial team.)

You get to copy and paste it all into your business.

So Why Join Us?

Here’s the thing.

We haven’t done a training inon the internet marketing world on this subject since 2016.

Nearly 7 years ago.

Since then, we’ve focused on growing our other educational brand in a different industry.

This year, we’re going to make a big splash as educators in the online marketing world.

  • We feel we have a lot to offer.

  • There’s a big void our content can fill by bridging direct response, sales and social media.


All that said, we want to position ourselves in the market big, by putting together something massively valuable to the marketplace, and bringing attention to our new marketing training programs  we’re hosting.

So, instead of the $5,000 investment, we wanted to make it more accessible to people who had real messages to share to the world.

The Influencer Funnel Workshop

May 2 - 4, 2023.

It’s Live, Online, And Interactive.

12pm - 4pm Eastern each day.

Our Gift To You.

  • 3-Days of live training held online.

  • Get all of our resources.

  • Get the personal accountability advisor.

  • Get our Q&A coaching and hot seat sessions.

  • Get access to the recordings for 14 days on-demand after the event.

  • Get a 100% risk free money back guarantee.

It’s live, interactive, and held online so you can learn in the comfort of  your own home, or anywhere in the world.

(You don’t have to pay for a thousand dollars extra for travel, or deal with flight delays, or sleep on a strange hotel bed - who knows if they cleaned the sheets.)

And you’ve got nothing to lose.


Peeling back the curtain on our business, and copy and paste the sames systems that landed Real Advisors on the Inc 5000 list 4 times in a row!

What would that do for your business?.

This is your short cut.

This is the fastest path to creating more traffic and sales in your business.

This is how you not only create a business that provides financial success for you and your family - but helps change the world with your mission and message.

We have a road map.

This is your time of decision.

There’s a saying: the journey of a 1000 miles starts with the first step.

Forget that!

We’re picking you up in an UBER Black and driving you straight to your destination!

Your time is closing.

We’re already in the 3rd month of the year and time is going fast.

Are you any closer to your goals?

May 2nd will be here soon.

Take advantage of the complimentary invite!

See you there!

Here's What Our Clients Have To Say

Carl Testimonial

Chris Testimonial

Dow Janes Testimonial

Schedule Your One-On-One “Influencer Funnel” Demo And See If It’s A Fit For Your Business…

Influencer Funnel Is Published By: Real Advisors

3390 Kori Rd Suite 9 Jacksonville, FL 32257

All Rights Reserved


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